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Frozen in a nightmare

Locked inside a dream

The conscious world outside

Fails to wake you with a scream


Into its realm you stagger

An unwanting participant

It wields its power upon you

With only cruel intent


Every fear that has ever gripped your mind

Is now ready to drive you insane

Every moment in loss of self control

Is manifesting once again


The lights are drawn around you

The stage is nearly set

Alone and lost you wander

Helpless and cold with sweat


Nothing now can free you

You’re much too far to reach

You hear the creature stirring

An unfamiliar screech


A primal wave of fight or flight

Sends shivers down your spine

The creature climbs inside your bed

Heart pounding a fearful rhyme


Your splintered mind lays shattered

Inside a broken dream

A sanity not to come undone

Now ripped apart at the seams


Another waking moment

Another sleepless night

Another nightmare to upend you

And frighten you with delight
Published inPoetry

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