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Busy Bee

It’s amazing how fast times flies. It’s been nearly a month since my last post and I am barely into my second draft of The Tale of Errol Oldham. That’s not entirely true, the second draft has been written but… I found a site called Scribophile where I have been submitting each chapter to be critiqued by authors from around the world. This process has been very helpful and very challenging a the same time. This is because it’s a give and take type of platform. You first have to give critiques on other author’s submissions before you can get critiques on your own submissions.

I have put a progress tracker on the left hand navigation bar so you can see the progress of the book as it winds it’s way through Scribophile. To date, I have submitted five chapters for a book I am anticipating on having twenty to twenty five chapters for. More or less, a novella.

I could push ahead and simply not use the site to critique my chapters but the invaluable insights I am getting are worth the slow progress. At this point, I have no idea when the book will be released but I hope that I have something ready by Christmas of this year.

Looking forward to a solid, well written book at the end of all of this.

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