Do as we say and not as we do That's how to control the mass of fools Tell them lies and play them hard Promise the sun, moon and the stars ⟢⟡⟣ We are your rulers you can not condemn One slip of the tongue could spell your end Yours is not the place to complain It falls on deaf ears you have nothing to gain ⟢⟡⟣ We've mastered the art of getting our way We have all the power so you have to pay Our greed will never be fully met We take what we want you might get what's left ⟢⟡⟣ Don't get too cocky that won't suite you well It's better you serve us and fall under our spell You can try to resist but there's nowhere to run You'll soon find out that you're under our thumb ⟢⟡⟣ If you're seeking stardom, glory and fame It can all be given if you agree to our game Just be prepared to do all that's required To satisfy our needs, wants and desires ⟢⟡⟣ When it finally all comes to an end You will learn we were never your friend We filled your mind with half truths never facts Our parting gift was the knife in your back
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