You better take cover You better take care There's something that's coming There's something in the air ⟢⟡⟣ While you were sleeping The fox came in the pen The gate was left wide open It was you're only defense ⟢⟡⟣ You were caught up in a dream Of a world where there is no pain All is peace, love and harmony And everyone is the same ⟢⟡⟣ A utopian paradise for all Where no one gets left behind Perfection in all conditions No worries of any kind ⟢⟡⟣ But like a bolt of lightening You have been woken by a scream The dream has turned into a nightmare Not everything is as it seems ⟢⟡⟣ The thief has come in the night He is already in the door You did not prepare for him As he steps onto the floor ⟢⟡⟣ You lived your life too complacent You didn't expect the worst Everything was fun and games Your lazy mind was cursed ⟢⟡⟣ All the lies you held as truths Have betrayed you at the hour It's too late now you've made your bed Will you fight or will you cower
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