Who is the trickster Playing with us all Who are the gamblers Betting on our fall Who is the next deceiver That will never make the call Who is really all that serious About the writing on the wall ⟢⟡⟣ What is the latest issue Triggering you today What is it all about Is it really important anyway What happens when the wokeness Doesn't always go your way What do you do, who do you call To tell you what to say ⟢⟡⟣ Where is the exit sign Because we don't know where to go Where is the next rest stop Our fuel is running low Where does the highway end Doesn't the app always know Where do we go from here We passed it long ago ⟢⟡⟣ When did all this come our way And land upon our shores When did we invite them in There wasn't a knock on the door When do we get back our beds We've been sleeping on the floor When do we get to eat again They are always wanting more ⟢⟡⟣ Why did we let ourselves Become ripened on the tree Why did we blind ourselves With two good eyes to see Why did we let them charge full price Admission was always free Why did we let ourselves abandon Country, God and creed
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